A woman standing on the beach in Boca Raton with sunscreen on her shoulder in the shape of the sun | Protect Yourself from Skin Cancer

Sunshine is just one of the many things that make Boca Raton great, a paradise for residents and visitors alike. However, with great sunshine comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to sun protection. As a leading dermatologist, Dr. Jillian Frieder, MD FAAD, of Frieder Dermatology, who has helped thousands of patients who have suffered from damaged skin, ( including skin cancer ), offers expert advice on how to protect yourself from skin cancer.

This blog post, drawing on Dr. Frieder’s extensive experience in both cosmetic and medical dermatology, will guide you through essential sun protection strategies and how to keep your skin radiant and healthy.

Understanding Sun Protection and Skin Cancer

Choosing the Right Sunscreen

When it comes to sun protection, choosing the right sunscreen is crucial. Dr. Frieder recommends using a broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against both UVA and UVB rays. Look for products with an SPF of 30 or higher and apply liberally 15 minutes before going outdoors.

Reapplication every two hours, or after swimming or sweating, is essential to maintain protection. For those sensitive to traditional sunscreens, mineral options containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are excellent alternatives.

“In the vibrant sun of Boca Raton, effective sun protection is not just a choice; it’s a necessity for maintaining healthy skin. Embrace the shade, apply sunscreen liberally, and make skin checks a regular part of your health routine.” – Dr. Frieder

The Importance of the UV Index

Understanding the UV index scale is vital for anyone living in or visiting this gorgeous and sunny city. This measure indicates the strength of sunburn-producing ultraviolet radiation at a particular place and time. Dr. Frieder advises checking the local UV index daily and taking extra precautions when it’s high, such as seeking shade during midday hours when the sun’s rays are strongest.

Strategies for Skin Cancer Prevention

Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70? Regular self-examinations and annual check-ups with a dermatologist can lead to the early detection and management of skin cancers. Dr. Frieder emphasizes the importance of being aware of new or changing moles and consulting a dermatologist promptly if any changes are observed.

Her practice offers GentleCure™, a non-invasive, Image-Guided Superficial Radiation Therapy (IG-SRT) designed specifically to target and eliminate basal and squamous cell skin cancers. This innovative treatment has an over 99% cure rate.

After-Sun Care

After-sun care is an often overlooked aspect of skincare. Dr. Frieder suggests using aloe vera or a light moisturizer to hydrate the skin and alleviate sunburn. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water also helps maintain skin health from the inside out.

Frieder Dermatology: A Leader in Skin Care

Located off Clint Moore Road, Frieder Dermatology is at the forefront of both medical and cosmetic dermatology in Boca Raton. Dr. Frieder, a board-certified dermatologist with unique fellowship training in psoriasis and related clinical research, offers a wide range of services.

From the early detection and management of skin cancers to the treatment of acne, rosacea, hair loss, and eczema, Dr. Frieder is dedicated to providing the highest standard of care. Her expertise in cosmetic dermatology includes treatments like Botox, neuromodulators, dermal fillers, PRP, and innovative laser and light devices, ensuring that patients have access to the latest advancements in skincare.

“Cosmetic and medical dermatology are not just about aesthetics; they’re about fostering healthy, protected skin in Boca Raton’s sunny climate. From innovative treatments to daily sun care, we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive care for your skin’s unique needs.” – Dr. Frieder


Taking proactive steps to protect yourself from skin cancer is essential for maintaining long-term skin health. By following the expert advice of Dr. Jillian Frieder, including selecting the right sunscreen, understanding the UV index, implementing skin cancer prevention strategies, and caring for your skin after sun exposure, you can enjoy the sunshine while keeping your skin vibrant and youthful.

For personalized advice and treatment options, consider scheduling a consultation. To book an appointment, click here or give Frieder Dermatology a call at (561) 210-7310.